Plugs From Down Under for ‘Don’t Sell Your Coat’

For thinking Australians, the battle against climate change distortions is personal.

Just as global warming propaganda is to a significant extent an English fairytale written for English-speakers, via bullying and convenience (in peer-reviewed literature and at the UN) and because of anglophone dominance in the keeping of global temperature records, as I show in my book, so too is meaningful climate change skepticism a specialty of English-speakers. (And if that isn’t the longest blog sentence on planet Earth today, it’s not because I’m not trying.)

Need proof that English-speaking skeptics are fighting the good fight like no one else? Well, the unparalleled success of the American skeptic website is one indication. Here are some others: Canadians Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick; Englishmen Andrew Montford and James Delingpole; and Australians Bob Carter and Ian Plimer. There are many other examples of heavyweight skepticism on the part of English-speaking scientists and analysts, but there are simply not that many world-famous skeptics practicing their craft in non-English languages. On the other hand, Henrik Svensmark, Nir Shaviv, and Habibullo Abdussamatov all come to mind.

At any rate, two Australians rounding out the English-speaking world’s roster of serious skeptics are Joanne Nova and Simon Turnill, and I wanted to take a moment here to thank both of them publicly for being kind enough to read my book and say some very nice things about it indeed. From Joanne comes this:

[The book] might make just the perfect gift for that slab of the population who would have happily read skeptical feature articles in their newspapers week after week if only the newspapers would run skeptical feature articles.

While some in the skeptic community will read between the lines that Don’t Sell Your Coat is not densely technical, I could not be more pleased to have confirmed that my book is on-the-money for a non-technical audience. I wrote it for smart people who have yet to devote a few hundred hours to reading some of the wonderful blogs out there.

And from Simon comes the following:

If you want a clear, very readable and straightforward exposé of the alarmism of climate science and the media, the myth of the green economy, the ostracising of dissenters and the myriad other distorted facets to this key issue for the 21st century, Don’t sell your coat ticks all the boxes … Highly recommended.

Australians have a lot at stake in the global warming argument, as the prosperity of their country is even more in the balance, thanks to the nation’s hideous new carbon tax and efforts by the government of Julia Gillard to suppress free speech. For Joanne and Simon to take time away from the trenches in their war against such nonsense is its own high compliment.

Whispers of an update to DSYC are multiplying (mostly from my own lips). An initial update will happen within 10 days, and a more significant one within 30 days. You heard it here first. So, if you’ve been playing hard to get as a book purchaser, go ahead and wait another little while. Soon, the book will be irresistible!

About Harold Ambler

I am a lifelong environmentalist. I started my journalism career at The New Yorker, where I worked as a copy editor. Since then, my own work has appeared in The New York Daily News, The National Review Online, The Atlantic Wire, The Huffington Post, The Berkeley Daily Planet, The Providence Journal, Brown Alumni Monthly, The Narragansett Times, Rhode Island Monthly, and Providence Business News.
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